Creating DNS Server Group Objects


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Click DNS Server Group from the network objects list.

Step 3

Click Add DNS Server Group.

Step 4

Enter a Name.

Step 5

Optionally, enter the Default Domain that will be used to append to the host names that are not fully-qualified.

This setting is only used for the default server group.

Step 6

The default Timeout and Retries values are pre-populated. Change these values if necessary.

  • Retries—The number of times, from 0 to 10, to retry the list of DNS servers when the system does not receive a response. The default is 2.

  • Timeout—The number of seconds, from 1 to 30, to wait before trying the next DNS server. The default is 2 seconds. Each time the system retries the list of servers, this timeout doubles.

Step 7

Enter the DNS Servers that will be a part of this group, either in IPv4 or IPv6 format as comma separated entries.

A maximum of 6 DNS servers can belong to one group.

Step 8

Click Save.

What to do next

The DNS servers configured in the DNS server group should be assigned to interface objects in the DNS platform settings. For more information, see DNS.