Creating Key Chain Objects


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Choose Key Chain from the list of object types.

Step 3

Click Add Key Chain.

Step 4

In the Add Key Chain Object dialog box, enter a name for the key chain in the Name field.

The name must start with an underscore or alphabet, followed by alphanumeric characters or special characters( -, _, +, .).

Step 5

To add a key to the key chain, click Add.

Step 6

Specify the key identifier in the Key ID field.

The key id value can be between 0 and 255. Use the value 0 only when you want to signal an invalid key.

Step 7

The Algorithm field and the Crypto Encryption Type field displays the supported algorithm and the encryption type, namely MD5 and Plain Text respectively.

Step 8

Enter the password in the Crypto Key String field, and re-enter the password in the Confirm Crypto Key String field.

  • The password can be of a maximum length of 80 characters.

  • The passwords cannot be a single digit nor those starting with a digit followed by a white space. For example, "0 pass" or "1" are invalid.

Step 9

To set the time interval for a device to accept/send the key during key exchange with another device, provide the lifetime values in the Accept Lifetime and Send Lifetime fields:


The Date Time values default to UTC timezones.

The end time can be the duration, the absolute time when the accept/send lifetime ends, or never expires. The default end time is DateTime.

Following are the validation rules for the start and end values:

  • Start lifetime cannot be null when the end lifetime is specified.

  • The start lifetime for accept or send lifetime must be earlier than the respective end lifetime.

Step 10

Click Add.

Repeat steps 5 to 10 to create keys. Create a minimum of two keys for a key chain with overlapping lifetimes. This helps to prevent loss of key-secured communication due to absence of an active key.

Step 11

Manage overrides for the object:

Step 12

Click Save.

What to do next

  • If an active policy references your object, deploy configuration changes.