Importing Objects

Objects can be imported from a comma-separated values file. Up to 1000 objects can be imported in one attempt. The contents of the comma-separated values file should follow a specific format. The format is different for each object type. Only a few types of objects can be imported. See the following table to know the supported object types and the corresponding rules.

Object Type


Individual object

  • The column header must be mentioned in capital letters.

  • The file must have the following columns headers:

    • NAME

    • DN

  • Both NAME and DN column entries are mandatory to import an entry.

  • You can import individual objects directly into an existing distinguished name object group.

Network object

  • The column header must be mentioned in capital letters.

  • The file must have the following columns headers:

    • NAME


    • TYPE

    • VALUE

    • LOOKUP

  • The NAME and VALUE column entries are mandatory to import an entry of host, range, or network object type.

  • For an FQDN object, the TYPE column entry must mention 'fqdn,' and the LOOKUP column entry must be specified as 'ipv4,' 'ipv6,' or 'ipv4_ipv6.'

  • If no content is provided in the LOOKUP column entry for the FQDN object, then the object is saved with the ipv4_ipv6 field value.


  • The column header must be mentioned in capital letters.

  • The file must have the following columns headers:

    • NAME


    • PORT



  • The NAME column entry is mandatory.

  • For 'tcp' and 'udp' protocol types, the PORT column entry is mandatory.

  • For 'icmp' and 'icmp6' protocol types, the ICMPCODE and ICMPTYPE column entries are mandatory.


  • The column header must be mentioned in capital letters.

  • The file must have the following columns headers:

    • NAME


    • URL

  • The NAME and URL column entries are mandatory to import an entry.


  • The column header must be mentioned in capital letters.

  • The file must have the following columns headers:

    • NAME


    • TAG

  • The NAME and TAG column entries are mandatory to import an entry.


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Choose one of the following object types from the left pane:

  • Distinguished Name > Individual Objects >

  • Network Object

  • Port

  • URL

  • VLAN Tag

Step 3

Choose Import Object from the Add [Object Type] drop-down list.


If you have selected Individual Objects in the previous step, click Import.

Step 4

Click Browse.

Step 5

Locate and select the comma-separated file on your system.

Step 6

Click Open.


While importing Distinguished Name objects, you can optionally check the Add imported Distinguished Name objects to the below object group check box and select the group name from the drop-down box to import the objects directly to an existing distinguished name object group.

Step 7

Click Import.