Configure Target Failover for Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual Clustering with GWLB in AWS

Threat Defense Virtual clustering in AWS utilizes the Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) to balance and forward network packets for inspection to a designated Threat Defense Virtual node. The GWLB is designed to continue sending network packets to the target node in the event of a failover or deregistration of that node.

The Target Failover feature in AWS enables GWLB to redirect network packets to a healthy target node in the event of node deregistration during planned maintenance or a target node failure. It takes advantage of the cluster's stateful failover.

In AWS, you can configure Target Failover through the AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) API or AWS console.


If a target node fails while the GWLB routes traffic using certain protocols such as SSH, SCP, CURL, and so on, then there may be a delay in redirecting traffic to a healthy target. This delay is due to rebalancing and rerouting of traffic flow.

In AWS, you can configure Target Failover through the AWS ELB API or AWS console.

  • AWS API - In the AWS ELB API - modify-target-group-attributes you can define the flow handling behavior by modifying the following two new parameters.

    • target_failover.on_unhealthy - It defines how the GWLB handles the network flow when the target becomes unhealthy.

    • target_failover.on_deregistration - It defines how the GWLB handles the network flow when the target is deregistered.

    The following command shows the sample API parameter configuration of defining these two parameters.
    aws elbv2 modify-target-group-attributes \
    --target-group-arn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:…/my-targets/73e2d6bc24d8a067 \
    --attributes \
    Key=target_failover.on_unhealthy, Value=rebalance[no_rebalance] \
    Key=target_failover.on_deregistration, Value=rebalance[no_rebalance]

    For more information, refer TargetGroupAttribute in the AWS documentation.