Enable Target Failover for Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual Clustering in AWS

The data interface of threat defense virtual is registered to a target group of GWLB in AWS. In the threat defense virtual clustering, each instance is associated with a Target Group. The GWLB load balances and sends the traffic to this healthy instance identified or registered as a target node in the target group.

Before you begin

You must have deployed the cluster in AWS either by manual method or using CloudFormation templates.

If you are deploying a cluster using a CloudFormation template, you can also enable the Target Failover parameter by assigning the rebalance attribute that is available under GWLB Configuration section of the cluster deployment file, deploy_ftdv_clustering.yaml. In the template, by default, the value is set to rebalance for this parameter. However, the default value for this parameter is set to no_rebalance on the AWS console.


  • no_rebalance - GWLB continues to send the network flow to the failed or deregistered target.

  • rebalance - GWLB sends the network flow to another healthy target when the existing target is failed or deregistered.

For information on deploying stack in AWS, see:


Step 1

On the AWS Console, go to Services > EC2

Step 2

Click Target Groups to view the target groups page.

Step 3

Select the target group to which the threat defense virtual data interface IPs are registered. The target group details page is displayed, where you can enable the Target failover attributes.

Step 4

Go to the Attributes menu.

Step 5

Click Edit to edit the attributes.

Step 6

Toggle the Rebalance flows slider button to the right to enable target failover to configure GWLB to rebalance and forward the existing network packets to a healthy target node in the event of target failover or deregistration.