Custom Security Intelligence Feeds

Custom or third-party Security Intelligence feeds allow you to augment the system-provided Intelligence Feeds with other regularly-updated reputable Block lists and Do Not Block lists on the Internet. You can also set up an internal feed, which is useful if you want to update multiple Secure Firewall Management Center appliances in your deployment using one source list.


You cannot add address blocks to Block or Do Not Block lists using a /0 netmask in a Security Intelligence feed. If you want to monitor or block all traffic targeted by a policy, use an access control rule with the Monitor or Block rule action, respectively, and a default value of any for the Source Networks and Destination Networks.

You also can configure the system to use an MD5 checksum to determine whether to download an updated feed. If the checksum has not changed since the last time the system downloaded the feed, the system does not need to re-download it. You may want to use MD5 checksums for internal feeds, especially if they are large.

The system does not perform peer SSL certificate verification when downloading custom feeds, nor does the system support the use of certificate bundles or self-signed certificates to verify the remote peer.

If you want strict control over when the system updates a feed from the Internet, you can disable automatic updates for that feed. However, automatic updates ensure the most up-to-date, relevant data.

Manually updating Security Intelligence feeds updates all feeds, including the Intelligence Feeds.

See complete requirements at Custom Lists and Feeds: Requirements.