Custom Lists and Feeds: Requirements

List and Feed Formatting

Each list or feed must be a simple text file no larger than 500MB. List files must have the .txt extension. Include one entry or comment per line: one IP address, one URL, one domain name.


The number of entries you can include is limited by the maximum size of the file. For example, a URL list with no comments and an average URL length of 100 characters (including Punycode or percent Unicode representations and newlines) can contain more than 5.24 million entries.

In a DNS list entry, you can specify an asterisk (*) wildcard character for a domain label. All labels match the wildcard. For example, an entry of www.example.* matches both and

If you add comment lines within the source file, they must start with the pound (#) character. If you upload a source file with comments, the system removes your comments during upload. Source files you download contain all your entries without your comments.

Feed Requirements

When you configure a feed, you specify its location using a URL; the URL cannot be Punycode-encoded.

For feed update intervals of 30 minutes or less, you must specify an MD5 URL. This prevents frequent downloads of unchanged feeds. If your feed server does not provide an MD5 URL, you must use a download interval of at least 30 minutes.

If you use an MD5 checksum, the checksum must be stored in a simple text file with only the checksum. Comments are not supported.