Grouping Reusable Objects


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

If the object type you want to group is Network, Port, URL, or VLAN Tag:

  1. Choose the object type from the list of object types.

  2. Choose Add Group from the Add [Object Type] drop-down list.

Step 3

If the object type you want to group is Distinguished Name:

  1. Expand the Distinguished Name node.

  2. Choose Object Groups.

  3. Click Add Distinguished Name Group.

Step 4

If the object type you want to group is PKI:

  1. Expand the PKI node.

  2. Choose one of the following:

    • Internal CA Groups

    • Trusted CA Groups

    • Internal Cert Groups

    • External Cert Groups

  3. Click Add [Object Type] Group.

Step 5

Enter a unique Name.

Step 6

Choose one or more objects from the list, and click Add.

You can also:

  • Use the filter field Search (search icon) to search for existing objects to include, which updates as you type to display matching items. Click Reload (reload icon) above the search field or click Clear (clear icon) in the search field to clear the search string.

  • Click Add (add icon) to create objects on the fly if no existing objects meet your needs.

Step 7

Optionally for Network, Port, URL, and VLAN Tag groups:

  • Enter a Description.
  • Check the Allow Overrides check box to allow overrides for this object group; see Allowing Object Overrides.

Step 8

Click Save.

What to do next