Trusted Certificate Authority Objects

Each trusted certificate authority (CA) object you configure represents a CA public key certificate belonging to a trusted CA. The object consists of the object name and CA public key certificate. You can use external CA objects and groups in:

  • your SSL policy to control traffic encrypted with a certificate signed either by the trusted CA, or any CA within the chain of trust.

  • your realm configurations to establish secure connections to LDAP or AD servers.

  • your ISE/ISE-PIC connection. Select trusted certificate authority objects for the pxGrid Server CA and MNT Server CA fields.

After you create the trusted CA object, you can modify the name and add certificate revocation lists (CRL), but cannot modify other object properties. There is no limit on the number of CRLs you can add to an object. If you want to modify a CRL you have uploaded to an object, you must delete the object and recreate it.


Adding a CRL to an object has no effect when the object is used in your ISE/ISE-PIC integration configuration.

You cannot delete a trusted CA object that is in use. Additionally, after you edit a trusted CA object that is in use, the associated access control policy goes out-of-date. You must re-deploy the access control policy for your changes to take effect.