Internal Certificate Authority Objects

Each internal certificate authority (CA) object you configure represents the CA public key certificate of a CA your organization controls. The object consists of the object name, CA certificate, and paired private key. You can use internal CA objects and groups in SSL rules to decrypt outgoing encrypted traffic by re-signing the server certificate with the internal CA.


If you reference an internal CA object in a Decrypt - Resign SSL rule and the rule matches an encrypted session, the user’s browser may warn that the certificate is not trusted while negotiating the SSL handshake. To avoid this, add the internal CA object certificate to either the client or domain list of trusted root certificates.

You can create an internal CA object in the following ways:

  • import an existing RSA-based or elliptic curve-based CA certificate and private key

  • generate a new self-signed RSA-based CA certificate and private key

  • generate an unsigned RSA-based CA certificate and private key. You must submit a certificate signing request (CSR) to another CA to sign the certificate before using the internal CA object.

After you create an internal CA object containing a signed certificate, you can download the CA certificate and private key. The system encrypts downloaded certificates and private keys with a user-provided password.

Whether system-generated or user-created, you can modify the internal CA object name, but cannot modify other object properties.

You cannot delete an internal CA object that is in use. Additionally, after you edit an internal CA object used in an SSL policy, the associated access control policy goes out-of-date. You must re-deploy the access control policy for your changes to take effect.