Deploy Cluster Nodes

Deploy the cluster nodes so they form a cluster.


Step 1

Deploy the Threat Defense Virtual instance by using the cluster day 0 configuration with the required number of interfaces - four interfaces if you are using Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB), or five interfaces if you are using non-native load balancer. To do this, in the Configure Instance Details > Advanced Details section, paste the cluster day 0 configuration.


Ensure that you attach interfaces to the instances in the order given below.

  • AWS Gateway Load Balancer - four interfaces - management, diagnostic, inside, and cluster control link.

  • Non-native load balancers - five interfaces - management, diagnostic, inside, outside, and cluster control link.

For more information on deploying Threat Defense Virtual on AWS, see Deploy the Threat Defense Virtual on AWS.

Step 2

Repeat Step 1 to deploy the required number of additional nodes.

Step 3

Use the show cluster info command on the Threat Defense Virtual console to verify if all nodes have successfully joined the cluster.

Step 4

Configure the AWS Gateway Load Balancer.

  1. Create a target group and GWLB.

  2. Attach the target group to the GWLB.


    Ensure that you configure the GWLB to use the correct security group, listener configuration, and health check settings.

  3. Register the data interface (inside interface) with the Target Group using IP addresses.

For more information, see Create a Gateway Load Balancer.

Step 5

Add the control node to the Management Center. See Add the Cluster to the Management Center (Manual Deployment).