Generate Troubleshooting Files

You can generate and download troubleshooting files for each device and also for all cluster nodes. For a cluster, you can download all files as a single compressed file. You can also include cluster logs for the cluster for cluster nodes.

You can alternatively trigger file generation from the Devices > Device Management > More (more icon) > Troubleshoot Files menu.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management

Step 2

Next to the device or cluster you want to view, click Edit (edit icon)

In a multidomain deployment, if you are not in a leaf domain, the system prompts you to switch.

Step 3

Click Device or Cluster.

Step 4

Generate logs for the device or for all cluster nodes.

  1. On the General > Troubleshoot section, click Logs.

  2. You are prompted to choose the logs you want to include. For a cluster, under Device, you can choose All Devices or an individual node. A cluster also has the Cluster Logs available.

    Generate Troubleshoot Files
    Generate Troubleshoot Files
  3. Click Generate.

Step 5

To download the generated logs, on the General > Troubleshoot section, click Download.


The logs are downloaded to your computer.