View CLI Output

You can view a set of pre-defined CLI outputs that can help you troubleshoot the device or cluster. You can also enter any show command and see the output.

For a device, the following commands are executed:

  • show version

  • show asp drop

  • show counters

  • show int ip brief

  • show blocks

  • show cpu detailed

For a cluster or cluster node:

  • show running-config cluster

  • show cluster info

  • show cluster info health

  • show cluster info transport cp

  • show version

  • show asp drop

  • show counters

  • show arp

  • show int ip brief

  • show blocks

  • show cpu detailed

  • show interface ccl_interface

  • ping ccl_ip size ccl_mtu repeat 2


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management

Step 2

Next to the device or cluster you want to view, click Edit (edit icon)

In a multidomain deployment, if you are not in a leaf domain, the system prompts you to switch.

Step 3

Click Device or Cluster

Step 4

In the General > Troubleshoot section, click CLI.


The CLI Troubleshoot dialog box appears with the pre-defined CLIs executed.

CLI Troubleshoot
CLI Troubleshoot

Step 5

On the CLI Troubleshoot dialog box, you can perform the following tasks.

  • Enter a show command in the Command field, and click Execute. The new command output will be added to the window.

  • Click Refresh to re-run the predefined CLIs.

  • Click Copy to copy the output to your clipboard.

  • For a cluster, choose a different node from the Device drop down list.

Step 6

Click Close.