Updating Security Intelligence Lists


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Expand the Security Intelligence node, then choose a list type.

Step 3

Next to the list you want to update, click Edit (edit icon).

If View (View button) appears instead, the configuration belongs to an ancestor domain, or you do not have permission to modify the configuration.

Step 4

If you need a copy of the list to edit, click Download, then follow your browser’s prompts to save the list as a text file.

Step 5

Make changes to the list as necessary.

Step 6

On the Security Intelligence pop-up window, click Browse to browse to the modified list, then click Upload.

Step 7

Click Save.

What to do next

You do not need to redeploy these changes to take effect. If you want to delete an entry from the list, see Delete Entries from Global Security Intelligence Lists.