Advanced Variables

Advanced variables allow you to configure features that you cannot otherwise configure via the web interface. The system currently provides only one advanced variable, the USER_CONF variable.


USER_CONF provides a general tool that allows you to configure one or more features not otherwise available via the web interface.


Do not use the advanced variable USER_CONF to configure an intrusion policy feature unless you are instructed to do so in the feature description or by Support. Conflicting or duplicate configurations will halt the system.

When editing USER_CONF, you can type up to 4096 total characters on a single line; the line wraps automatically. You can include any number of valid instructions or lines until you reach the 8192 maximum character length for a variable or a physical limit such as disk space. Use the backslash (\) line continuation character after any complete argument in a command directive.

Resetting USER_CONF empties it.