Variable Reset

You can reset a variable to its default value on the variable set new or edit variables page. The following table summarizes the basic principles of resetting variables.

Variable Reset Values

Resetting this variable type...

In this set type...

Resets it to...



the rule update value




default or user-defined


the current default set value (modified or unmodified)

Resetting a variable in a custom set simply resets it to the current value for that variable in the default set.

Conversely, resetting or modifying the value of a variable in the default set always updates the default value of that variable in all custom sets. When the reset icon is grayed out, indicating that you cannot reset the variable, this means that the variable has no customized value in that set. Unless you have customized the value for a variable in a custom set, a change to the variable in the default set updates the value used in any intrusion policy where you have linked the variable set.


It is good practice when you modify a variable in the default set to assess how the change affects any intrusion policy that uses the variable in a linked custom set, especially when you have not customized the variable value in the custom set.

You can hover your pointer over the Reset icon in a variable set to see the reset value. When the customized value and the reset value are the same, this indicates one of the following:

  • you are in the custom or default set where you added the variable with the value any

  • you are in the custom set where you added the variable with an explicit value and elected to use the configured value as the default value