Predefined Default Variables

By default, the system provides a single default variable set, which is comprised of predefined default variables. The Talos Intelligence Group uses rule updates to provide new and updated intrusion rules and other intrusion policy elements, including default variables.

Because many intrusion rules provided by the system use predefined default variables, you should set appropriate values for these variables. Depending on how you use variable sets to identify traffic on your network, you can modify the values for these default variables in any or all variable sets.


Importing an access control or an intrusion policy overwrites existing default variables in the default variable set with the imported default variables. If your existing default variable set contains a custom variable not present in the imported default variable set, the unique variable is preserved.

The following table describes the variables provided by the system and indicates which variables you typically would modify. For assistance determining how to tailor variables to your network, contact Professional Services or Support.

System-Provided Variables

Variable Name




Defines known AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) servers, and is used in chat-based rules and rules that look for AIM exploits.

Not required.


Defines Domain Name Service (DNS) servers. If you create a rule that affects DNS servers specifically, you can use the $DNS_SERVERS variable as a destination or source IP address.

Not required in current rule set.


Defines the network that the system views as the unprotected network, and is used in many rules to define the external network.

Yes, you should adequately define $HOME_NET and then exclude $HOME_NET as the value for $EXTERNAL_NET.


Defines non-encrypted ports used in intrusion rules that detect files in a network stream.

Not required.


Defines the ports of FTP servers on your network, and is used for FTP server exploit rules.

Yes, if your FTP servers use ports other than the default ports (you can view the default ports in the web interface).


Defines the data channel ports where the packet decoder extracts the payload inside a GTP (General Packet Radio Service [GPRS] Tunneling Protocol) PDU.

Not required.


Defines the network that the associated intrusion policy monitors, and is used in many rules to define the internal network.

Yes, to include the IP addresses for your internal network.


Defines the ports of web servers on your network, and is used for web server exploit rules.

Yes, if your web servers use ports other than the default ports (you can view the default ports in the web interface).


Defines the web servers on your network. Used in web server exploit rules.

Yes, if you run HTTP servers.


Defines Oracle database server ports on your network, and is used in rules that scan for attacks on Oracle databases.

Yes, if you run Oracle servers.


Defines the ports you want the system to scan for shell code exploits, and is used in rules that detect exploits that use shell code.

Not required.


Defines the ports of SIP servers on your network, and is used for SIP exploit rules.

Not required.


Defines SIP servers on your network, and is used in rules that address SIP-targeted exploits.

Yes, if you run SIP servers, you should adequately define $HOME_NET and then include $HOME_NET as the value for $SIP_SERVERS.


Defines SMTP servers on your network, and is used in rules that address exploits that target mail servers.

Yes, if you run SMTP servers.


Defines SNMP servers on your network, and is used in rules that scan for attacks on SNMP servers.

Yes, if you run SNMP servers.


Identifies a legacy advanced variable that appears only when it existed on your system in a software release before Version 5.3.0 that you subsequently upgraded to Version 5.3.0 or greater.

No, you can only view or delete this variable. You cannot edit it or recover it after deleting it.


Defines database servers on your network, and is used in rules that address database-targeted exploits.

Yes, if you run SQL servers.


Defines the ports of SSH servers on your network, and is used for SSH server exploit rules.

Yes, if your SSH servers use ports other than the default port (you can view the default ports in the web interface).


Defines SSH servers on your network, and is used in rules that address SSH-targeted exploits.

Yes, if you run SSH servers, you should adequately define $HOME_NET and then include $HOME_NET as the value for $SSH_SERVERS.


Defines known Telnet servers on your network, and is used in rules that address Telnet server-targeted exploits.

Yes, if you run Telnet servers.


Provides a general tool that allows you to configure one or more features not otherwise available via the web interface.

Conflicting or duplicate $USER_CONF configurations will halt the system.

No, only as instructed in a feature description or with the guidance of Support.