IP Header Values

You can use keywords to identify possible attacks or security policy violations in the IP headers of packets.


The fragbits keyword inspects the fragment and reserved bits in the IP header. You can check each packet for the Reserved Bit, the More Fragments bit, and the Don't Fragment bit in any combination.

Fragbits Argument Values




Reserved bit


More Fragments bit


Don’t Fragment bit

To further refine a rule using the fragbits keyword, you can specify any operator described in the following table after the argument value in the rule.

Fragbit Operators



plus sign (+)

The packet must match against all specified bits.

asterisk (*)

The packet can match against any of the specified bits.

exclamation point (!)

The packet meets the criteria if none of the specified bits are set.

For example, to generate an event against packets that have the Reserved Bit set (and possibly any other bits), use R+ as the fragbits value.


The id keyword tests the IP header fragment identification field against the value you specify in the keyword’s argument. Some denial-of-service tools and scanners set this field to a specific number that is easy to detect. For example, in SID 630, which detects a Synscan portscan, the id value is set to 39426, the static value used as the ID number in packets transmitted by the scanner.


id argument values must be numeric.


The IPopts keyword allows you to search packets for specified IP header options. The following table lists the available argument values.

IPoption Arguments




record route


end of list


no operation


time stamp


IP security option


loose source routing


strict source routing


stream identifier

Analysts most frequently watch for strict and loose source routing because these options may be an indication of a spoofed source IP address.


The ip_proto keyword allows you to identify packets with the IP protocol specified as the keyword’s value. You can specify the IP protocols as a number, 0 through 255. You can combine these numbers with the following operators: <, >, or !. For example, to inspect traffic with any protocol that is not ICMP, use !1 as a value to the ip_proto keyword. You can also use the ip_proto keyword multiple times in a single rule; note, however, that the rules engine interprets multiple instances of the keyword as having a Boolean AND relationship. For example, if you create a rule containing ip_proto:!3; ip_proto:!6, the rule ignores traffic using the GGP protocol AND the TCP protocol.


Some networks use the type of service (ToS) value to set precedence for packets traveling on that network. The tos keyword allows you to test the packet’s IP header ToS value against the value you specify as the keyword’s argument. Rules using the tos keyword will trigger on packets whose ToS is set to the specified value and that meet the rest of the criteria set forth in the rule.


Argument values for tos must be numeric.

The ToS field has been deprecated in the IP header protocol and replaced with the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) field.


A packet’s time-to-live (ttl) value indicates how many hops it can make before it is dropped. You can use the ttl keyword to test the packet’s IP header ttl value against the value, or range of values, you specify as the keyword’s argument. It may be helpful to set the ttl keyword parameter to a low value such as 0 or 1, as low time-to-live values are sometimes indicative of a traceroute or intrusion evasion attempt. (Note, though, that the appropriate value for this keyword depends on your managed device placement and network topology.) Use syntax as follows:

  • Use an integer from 0 to 255 to set a specific value for the TTL value. You can also precede the value with an equal (=) sign (for example, you can specify 5 or =5).

  • Use a hyphen (-) to specify a range of TTL values (for example, 0-2 specifies all values 0 through 2, -5 specifies all values 0 through 5, and 5- specifies all values 5 through 255).

  • Use the greater than (>) sign to specify TTL values greater than a specific value (for example, >3 specifies all values greater than 3).

  • Use the greater than and equal to signs (>=) to specify TTL values greater than or equal to a specific value (for example, >=3 specifies all values greater than or equal to 3).

  • Use the less than (<) sign to specify TTL values less than a specific value (for example, <3 specifies all values less than 3).

  • Use the less than and equal to signs (<=) to specify TTL values less than or equal to a specific value (for example, <=3 specifies all values less than or equal to 3).