The byte_jump Keyword

The byte_jump keyword calculates the number of bytes defined in a specified byte segment, and then skips that number of bytes within the packet, either forward from the end of the specified byte segment, or from the beginning or end of the packet payload, or from a point relative to the last content match, depending on the options you specify. This is useful in packets where a specific segment of bytes describe the number of bytes included in variable data within the packet.

The following table describes the arguments required by the byte_jump keyword.

Required byte_jump Arguments




The number of bytes to pick up from the packet.

If used without DCE/RPC, the allowed values are 0 to 10, with the following restrictions:

  • If used with the From End argument, bytes can be 0. If Bytes is 0, the extracted value is 0.

  • If you specify a number of bytes other than 1, 2, or 4, you must specify a Number Type (hexadecimal, octal, or decimal.)

If used with DCE/RPC, allowed values are 1, 2, and 4.


The number of bytes into the payload to start processing. The offset counter starts at byte 0, so calculate the offset value by subtracting 1 from the number of bytes you want to jump forward from the beginning of the packet payload or the last successful content match.

You can specify -65535 to 65535 bytes.

You can also use an existing byte_extract variable or byte_math result to specify the value for this argument.

The following table describes options you can use to define how the system interprets the values you specified for the required arguments.

Additional Optional byte_jump Arguments




Makes the offset relative to the last pattern found in the last successful content match.


Rounds the number of converted bytes up to the next 32-bit boundary.


Indicates the value by which the rules engine should multiply the byte_jump value obtained from the packet to get the final byte_jump value.

That is, instead of skipping the number of bytes defined in a specified byte segment, the rules engine skips that number of bytes multiplied by an integer you specify with the Multiplier argument.

Post Jump Offset

The number of bytes -65535 through 65535 to skip forward or backward after applying other byte_jump arguments. A positive value skips forward and a negative value skips backward. Leave the field blank or enter 0 to disable.

Note that some byte_jump arguments do not apply when you select the DCE/RPC argument.

From Beginning

Indicates that the rules engine should skip the specified number of bytes in the payload starting from the beginning of the packet payload, instead of from the current position in the packet.

From End

The jump will originate from the byte that follows the last byte of the buffer.


Applies the specified hexadecimal bitmask using the AND operator to the bytes extracted from the Bytes argument.

A bitmask can be 1 to 4 bytes.

The result will be right-shifted by the number of bits equal to the number of trailing zeros in the mask.

You can specify only one of DCE/RPC, Endian, or Number Type.

If you want to define how the byte_jump keyword calculates the bytes, you can choose from the arguments described in the following table. If you do not select a byte-ordering argument, the rules engine uses big endian byte order.

Byte-Ordering byte_jump Arguments



Big Endian

Processes data in big endian byte order, which is the default network byte order.

Little Endian

Processes data in little endian byte order.


Specifies a byte_jump keyword for traffic processed by the DCE/RPC preprocessor.

The DCE/RPC preprocessor determines big endian or little endian byte order, and the Number Type and Endian arguments do not apply.

When you enable this argument, you can also use byte_jump in conjunction with other specific DCE/RPC keywords.

Define how the system views string data in a packet by using one of the arguments in the following table.

Number Type Arguments



Hexadecimal String

Represents converted string data in hexadecimal format.

Decimal String

Represents converted string data in decimal format.

Octal String

Represents converted string data in octal format.

For example, if the values you set for byte_jump are as follows:

  • Bytes = 4

  • Offset = 12

  • Relative enabled

  • Align enabled

the rules engine calculates the number described in the four bytes that appear 13 bytes after the last successful content match, and skips ahead that number of bytes in the packet. For instance, if the four calculated bytes in a specific packet were 00 00 00 1F, the rules engine would convert this to 31. Because align is specified (which instructs the engine to move to the next 32-bit boundary), the rules engine skips ahead 32 bytes in the packet.

Alternately, if the values you set for byte_jump are as follows:

  • Bytes = 4

  • Offset = 12

  • From Beginning enabled

  • Multiplier = 2

the rules engine calculates the number described in the four bytes that appear 13 bytes after the beginning of the packet. Then, the engine multiplies that number by two to obtain the total number of bytes to skip. For instance, if the four calculated bytes in a specific packet were 00 00 00 1F, the rules engine would convert this to 31, then multiply it by two to get 62. Because From Beginning is enabled, the rules engine skips the first 63 bytes in the packet.