The stream_reassembly Keyword

You can use the stream_reassemble keyword to enable or disable TCP stream reassembly for a single connection when inspected traffic on the connection matches the conditions of the rule. Optionally, you can use this keyword multiple times in a rule.

Use the following syntax to enable or disable stream reassembly:

enable|disable, server|client|both, option, option

The following table describes the optional arguments you can use with the stream_reassemble keyword.

stream_reassemble Optional Arguments




Generate no events regardless of any other detection options specified in the rule.


Ignore the rest of the connection traffic when there is a match.

For example, the following rule disables TCP client-side stream reassembly without generating an event on the connection where a 200 OK status code is detected in an HTTP response:

alert tcp any 80 -> any any (flow:to_client, established; content: “200 OK”; 
stream_reassemble:disable, client, noalert