Overview: The pcre Keyword

The pcre keyword allows you to use Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE) to inspect packet payloads for specified content. You can use PCRE to avoid writing multiple rules to match slight variations of the same content.

Regular expressions are useful when searching for content that could be displayed in a variety of ways. The content may have different attributes that you want to account for in your attempt to locate it within a packet’s payload.

Note that the regular expression syntax used in intrusion rules is a subset of the full regular expression library and varies in some ways from the syntax used in commands in the full library. When adding a pcre keyword using the intrusion rules editor, enter the full value in the following format:



  • ! is an optional negation (use this if you want to match patterns that do not match the regular expression).

  • /pcre/ is a Perl-compatible regular expression.

  • ismxAEGRBUIPHDMCKSY is any combination of modifier options.

Also note that you must escape the characters listed in the following table for the rules engine to interpret them correctly when you use them in a PCRE to search for specific content in a packet payload.

Escaped PCRE Characters

You must escape...

with a backslash...

or Hex code...

# (hash mark)



; (semicolon)



| (vertical bar)



: (colon)



You can also use m?regex?, where ? is a delimiter other than /. You may want to use this in situations where you need to match a forward slash within a regular expression and do not want to escape it with a backslash. For example, you might use m?regex? ismxAEGRBUIPHDMCKSY where regex is your Perl-compatible regular expression and ismxAEGRBUIPHDMCKSY is any combination of modifier options.


Optionally, you can surround your Perl-compatible regular expression with quote characters, for example, pcre_expression or pcre_expression“.The option of using quotes accommodates experienced users accustomed to previous versions when quotes were required instead of optional. The intrusion rules editor does not display quotation marks when you display a rule after saving it.