Overview: The file_type and file_group Keywords

The file_type and file_group keywords allow you to detect files transmitted via FTP, HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, and NetBIOS-ssn (SMB) based on their type and version. Do not use more than one file_type or file_group keyword in a single intrusion rule.


Updating your vulnerability database (VDB) populates the intrusion rules editor with the most up-to-date file types, versions, and groups.


The system does not automatically enable preprocessors to accomodate the file_type and file_group keywords.

You must enable specific preprocessors if you want to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for traffic matching your file_type or file_group keywords.

file_type and file_group Intrusion Event Generation


Required Preprocessor or Preprocessor Option


FTP/Telnet preprocessor and the Normalize TCP Payload inline normalization preprocessor option


HTTP Inspect preprocessor to generate intrusion events in HTTP traffic


SMTP preprocessor to generate intrusion events in HTTP traffic


IMAP preprocessor


POP preprocessor

Netbios-ssn (SMB)

The DCE/RPC preprocessor and the SMB File Inspection DCE/RPC preprocessor option