The content and protected_content Keywords

Use the content keyword or the protected_content keyword to specify content that you want to detect in a packet.

You should almost always follow a content or protected_content keyword by modifiers that indicate where the content should be searched for, whether the search is case sensitive, and other options.

Note that all content matches must be true for the rule to trigger an event, that is, each content match has an AND relationship with the others.

Note also that, in an inline deployment, you can set up rules that match malicious content and then replace it with your own text string of equal length.


When you use the content keyword, the rules engine searches the packet payload or stream for that string. For example, if you enter /bin/sh as the value for one of the content keywords, the rules engine searches the packet payload for the string /bin/sh.

Match content using either an ASCII string, hexadecimal content (binary byte code), or a combination of both. Surround hexadecimal content with pipe characters (|) in the keyword value. For example, you can mix hexadecimal content and ASCII content using something that looks like |90C8 C0FF FFFF|/bin/sh.

You can specify multiple content matches in a single rule. To do this, use additional instances of the content keyword. For each content match, you can indicate that content matches must be found in the packet payload or stream for the rule to trigger.


You may invalidate your intrusion policy if you create a rule that includes only one content keyword and that keyword has the Not option selected.


The protected_content keyword allows you to encode your search content string before configuring the rule argument. The original rule author uses a hash function (SHA-512, SHA-256, or MD5) to encode the string before configuring the keyword.

When you use the protected_content keyword instead of the content keyword, there is no change to how the rules engine searches the packet payload or stream for that string and most of the keyword options function as expected. The following table summarizes the exceptions, where the protected_content keyword options differ from the content keyword options.

protected_content Option Exceptions



Hash Type

New option for the protected_content rule keyword.

Case Insensitive

Not supported


Not supported


Not supported


New option for the protected_content rule keyword.

Use Fast Pattern Matcher

Not supported

Fast Pattern Matcher Only

Not supported

Fast Pattern Matcher Offset and Length

Not supported

Cisco recommends that you include at least one content keyword in rules that include a protected_content keyword to ensure that the rules engine uses the fast pattern matcher, which increases processing speed and improves performance. Position the content keyword before the protected_content keyword in the rule. Note that the rules engine uses the fast pattern matcher when a rule includes at least one content keyword, regardless of whether you enable the content keyword Use Fast Pattern Matcher argument.


You may invalidate your intrusion policy if you create a rule that includes only one protected_content keyword and that keyword has the Not option selected.