Packet Characteristics

You can write rules that only generate events against packets with specific packet characteristics.


The dsize keyword tests the packet payload size. With it, you can use the greater than and less than operators (< and >) to specify a range of values. You can use the following syntax to specify ranges:


For example, to indicate a packet size greater than 400 bytes, use >400 as the dtype value. To indicate a packet size of less than 500 bytes, use <500. To specify that the rule trigger against any packet between 400 and 500 bytes inclusive, use 400<>500.


The dsize keyword tests packets before they are decoded by any preprocessors.


The isdataat keyword instructs the rules engine to verify that data resides at a specific location in the payload.

The following table lists the arguments you can use with the isdataat keyword.

isdataat Arguments






The specific location in the payload. For example, to test that data appears at byte 50 in the packet payload, you would specify 50 as the offset value. A ! modifier negates the results of the isdataat test; it alerts if a certain amount of data is not present within the payload.

You can also use an existing byte_extract variable or byte_math result to specify the value for this argument.



Makes the location relative to the last successful content match. If you specify a relative location, note that the counter starts at byte 0, so calculate the location by subtracting 1 from the number of bytes you want to move forward from the last successful content match. For example, to specify that the data must appear at the ninth byte after the last successful content match, you would specify a relative offset of 8.

Raw Data


Specifies that the data is located in the original packet payload before decoding or application layer normalization by any Firepower System preprocessor. You can use this argument with Relative if the previous content match was in the raw packet data.

For example, in a rule searching for the content foo, if the value for isdataat is specified as the following:

  • Offset = !10

  • Relative = enabled

The system alerts if the rules engine does not detect 10 bytes after foo before the payload ends.


The sameip keyword tests that a packet’s source and destination IP addresses are the same. It does not take an argument.


The fragoffset keyword tests the offset of a fragmented packet. This is useful because some exploits (such as WinNuke denial-of-service attacks) use hand-generated packet fragments that have specific offsets.

For example, to test whether the offset of a fragmented packet is 31337 bytes, specify 31337 as the fragoffset value.

You can use the following operators when specifying arguments for the fragoffset keyword.

fragoffset Keyword Argument Operators






greater than


less than

Note that you cannot use the not (!) operator in combination with < or >.


The cvs keyword tests Concurrent Versions System (CVS) traffic for malformed CVS entries. An attacker can use a malformed entry to force a heap overflow and execute malicious code on the CVS server. This keyword can be used to identify attacks against two known CVS vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-0396 (CVS 1.11.x up to 1.11.15, and 1.12.x up to 1.12.7) and CVS-2004-0414 (CVS 1.12.x through 1.12.8, and 1.11.x through 1.11.16). The cvs keyword checks for a well-formed entry, and generates alerts when a malformed entry is detected.

Your rule should include the ports where CVS runs. In addition, any ports where traffic may occur should be added to the list of ports for stream reassembly in your TCP policies so state can be maintained for CVS sessions. The TCP ports 2401 (pserver) and 514 (rsh) are included in the list of client ports where stream reassembly occurs. However, note that if your server runs as an xinetd server (i.e., pserver), it can run on any TCP port. Add any non-standard ports to the stream reassembly Client Ports list.