Certificate Enrollment Object SCEP Options

Secure Firewall Management Center Navigation Path

Objects > Object Management, then from the navigation pane choose PKI > Cert Enrollment. Click (+) Add Cert Enrollment to open the Add Cert Enrollment dialog, and select the CA Information tab.


Enrollment Type—set to SCEP.

Enrollment URL—The URL of the CA server to which devices should attempt to enroll.

Use an HTTP URL in the form of http://CA_name:port, where CA_name is the host DNS name or IP address of the CA server. The port number is mandatory.

If the SCEP Server is referred with hostname/FQDN, configure DNS Server using FlexConfig object.

If the CA cgi-bin script location at the CA is not the default (/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe), you must also include the nonstandard script location in the URL, in the form of http://CA_name:port/script_location, where script_location is the full path to the CA scripts.

Challenge Password / Confirm Password—The password used by the CA server to validate the identity of the device. You can obtain the password by contacting the CA server directly or by entering the following address in a web browser: http://URLHostName/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll. The password is good for 60 minutes from the time you obtain it from the CA server. Therefore, it is important that you deploy the password as soon as possible after you create it.

Retry Period—The interval between certificate request attempts, in minutes. Value can be 1 to 60 minutes. The default is 1 minute.

Retry Count—The number of retries that should be made if no certificate is issued upon the first request. Value can be 1 to 100. The default is 10.

CA Certificate Source—Specify how the CA certificate will be obtained.

  • Retrieve Using SCEP (Default, and only supported option)—Retrieve the certificate from the CA server using the Simple Certificate Enrollment Process (SCEP). Using SCEP requires a connection between your device and the CA server. Ensure there is a route from your device to the CA server before beginning the enrollment process.

Fingerprint—When retrieving the CA certificate using SCEP, you may enter the fingerprint for the CA server. Using the fingerprint to verify the authenticity of the CA server’s certificate helps prevent an unauthorized party from substituting a fake certificate in place of the real one. Enter the Fingerprint for the CA server in hexadecimal format. If the value you enter does not match the fingerprint on the certificate, the certificate is rejected. Obtain the CA’s fingerprint by contacting the server directly, or by entering the following address in a web browser: http://<URLHostName>/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll.