Change Both Management Center and Threat Defense IP Addresses

You might want to change both management center and threat defense IP addresses if you need to move them to a new network.


Step 1

Disable the management connection.

For a high-availability pair or cluster, perform these steps on all units.

  1. Choose Devices > Device Management.

  2. Next to the device, click Edit (edit icon).

  3. Click Device, and view the Management area.

  4. Disable management temporarily by clicking the slider so it is disabled (slider disabled).

    Disable Management
    Disable Management

    You are prompted to proceed with disabling management; click Yes.

Step 2

Change the device IP address in the management center to the new device IP address.

You will change the IP address on the device later.

For a high-availability pair or cluster, perform these steps on all units.

  1. Edit the Remote Host Address IP address and optional Secondary Address (when using a redundant data interface) or hostname by clicking Edit (edit icon).

    Edit Management Address
    Edit Management Address
  2. In the Management dialog box, modify the name or IP address in the Remote Host Address field and the optional Secondary Address field, and click Save.

    Management IP Address
    Management IP Address

Step 3

Change the management center IP address.


Be careful when making changes to the management center interface to which you are connected; if you cannot re-connect because of a configuration error, you need to access the management center console port to re-configure the network settings in the Linux shell. You must contact Cisco TAC to guide you in this operation.

  1. Choose System (system gear icon) > Configuration, and then choose Management Interfaces.

  2. In the Interfaces area, click Edit next to the interface that you want to configure.

  3. Change the IP address, and click Save.

Step 4

Change the manager IP address on the device.

For a high-availability pair or cluster, perform these steps on all units.

  1. At the threat defense CLI, view the management center identifier.

    show managers


    > show managers
    Type                      : Manager
    Host                      :
    Display name              :
    Identifier                : f7ffad78-bf16-11ec-a737-baa2f76ef602
    Registration              : Completed
    Management type           : Configuration
  2. Edit the management center IP address or hostname.

    configure manager edit identifier {hostname {ip_address | hostname} | displayname display_name}

    If the management center was originally identified by DONTRESOLVE and a NAT ID, you can change the value to a hostname or IP address using this command. You cannot change an IP address or hostname to DONTRESOLVE .


    > configure manager edit f7ffad78-bf16-11ec-a737-baa2f76ef602 hostname

Step 5

Change the IP address of the manager access interface at the console port.

For a high-availability pair or cluster, perform these steps on all units.

If you use the dedicated Management interface:

configure network ipv4

configure network ipv6

If you use the dedicated Management interface:

configure network management-data-interface disable

configure network management-data-interface

Step 6

Reenable management by clicking the slider so it is enabled (slider enabled).

For a high-availability pair or cluster, perform these steps on all units.

Enable Management Connection
Enable Management Connection

Step 7

(If using a data interface for manager access) Refresh the data interface settings in the management center.

For a high-availability pair, perform this step on both units.

  1. Choose Devices > Device Management > Device > Management > Manager Access - Configuration Details, and click Refresh.

  2. Choose Devices > Device Management > Interfaces, and set the IP address to match the new address.

  3. Return to the Manager Access - Configuration Details dialog box, and click Acknowledge to remove the deployment block.

Step 8

Ensure the management connection is reestablished.

In the management center, check the management connection status on the Devices > Device Management > Device > Management > Manager Access - Configuration Details > Connection Status page.

At the threat defense CLI, enter the sftunnel-status-brief command to view the management connection status.

The following status shows a successful connection for a data interface, showing the internal "tap_nlp" interface.

Connection Status
Connection Status

Step 9

(For a high-availability management center pair) Repeat configuration changes on the secondary management center.

  1. Change the secondary management center IP address.

  2. Specify the new peer addresses on both units.

  3. Make the secondary unit the active unit.

  4. Disable the device management connection.

  5. Change the device IP address in the management center.

  6. Reenable the management connection.