Modify Threat Defense Management Interfaces at the CLI

Modify the management interface settings on the managed device using the CLI. Many of these settings are ones that you set when you performed the initial setup; this procedure lets you change those settings, and set additional settings such as enabling an event interface if your model supports it, or adding static routes.


This topic applies to the dedicated Management interface. You can alternatively configure a data interface for management. If you want to change network settings for that interface, you should do so within management center and not at the CLI. If you need to troubleshoot a disrupted management connection, and need to make changes directly on the threat defense, see Modify the Threat Defense Data Interface Used for Management at the CLI.

For information about the threat defense CLI, see the Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Command Reference.


When using SSH, be careful when making changes to the management interface; if you cannot re-connect because of a configuration error, you will need to access the device console port.


If you change the device management IP address, then see the following tasks for management center connectivity depending on how you identified the management center during initial device setup using the configure manager add command:

  • IP addressNo action. If you identified the management center using a reachable IP address, then the management connection will be reestablished automatically after several minutes. We recommend that you also change the device IP address shown in management center to keep the information in sync; see Update the Hostname or IP Address in the Management Center. This action can help the connection reestablish faster. Note: If you specified an unreachable management center IP address, then see the procedure for NAT ID below.

  • NAT ID onlyManually reestablish the connection. If you identified the management center using only the NAT ID, then the connection cannot be automatically reestablished. In this case, change the device management IP address in management center according to Update the Hostname or IP Address in the Management Center.


In a High Availability management center configuration, when you modify the management IP address from the device CLI or from the management center, the secondary management center does not reflect the changes even after an HA synchronization. To ensure that the secondary management center is also updated, switch roles between the two management centers, making the secondary management center the active unit. Modify the management IP address of the registered device on the device management page of the now active management center.

Before you begin


Step 1

Connect to the device CLI, either from the console port or using SSH.

Step 2

Log in with the Admin username and password.

Step 3

(Firepower 4100/9300/Secure Firewall 4200 only) Enable the second management interface as an event-only interface.

configure network management-interface enable management1

configure network management-interface disable-management-channel management1

You always need a management interface for management traffic. If your device has a second management interface, you can enable it for event-only traffic.

You can optionally disable events for the main management interface using the configure network management-interface disable-events-channel command. In either case, the device will try to send events on the event-only interface, and if that interface is down, it will send events on the management interface even if you disable the event channel.

You cannot disable both event and management channels on an interface.

To use a separate event interface, you also need to enable an event interface on the management center. See the Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center Administration Guide.


> configure network management-interface enable management1
Configuration updated successfully

> configure network management-interface disable-management-channel management1
Configuration updated successfully


Step 4

Configure the IP address of the management interface and/or event interface:

If you do not specify the management_interface argument, then you change the network settings for the default management interface. When configuring an event interface, be sure to specify the management_interface argument. The event interface can be on a separate network from the management interface, or on the same network. If you are connected to the interface you are configuring, you will be disconnected. You can re-connect to the new IP address.

  1. Configure the IPv4 address:

    • Manual configuration:

      configure network ipv4 manual ip_address netmask gateway_ip [management_interface]

      Note that the gateway_ip in this command is used to create the default route for the device. If you configure an event-only interface, then you must enter the gateway_ip as part of the command; however, this entry just configures the default route to the value you specify and does not create a separate static route for the eventing interface. If you are using an event-only interface on a different network from the management interface, we recommend that you set the gateway_ip for use with the management interface, and then create a static route separately for the event-only interface using the configure network static-routes command.


      > configure network ipv4 manual management1
      Setting IPv4 network configuration.
      Network settings changed.
    • DHCP (supported on the default management interface only):

      configure network ipv4 dhcp

  2. Configure the IPv6 address:

    • Stateless autoconfiguration:

      configure network ipv6 router [management_interface]


      > configure network ipv6 router management0
      Setting IPv6 network configuration.
      Network settings changed.
    • Manual configuration:

      configure network ipv6 manual ip6_address ip6_prefix_length [ip6_gateway_ip] [management_interface]

      Note that the ipv6_gateway_ip in this command is used to create the default route for the device. If you configure an event-only interface, then you must enter the ipv6_gateway_ip as part of the command; however, this entry just configures the default route to the value you specify and does not create a separate static route for the eventing interface. If you are using an event-only interface on a different network from the management interface, we recommend that you set the ipv6_gateway_ip for use with the management interface, and then create a static route separately for the event-only interface using the configure network static-routes command.


      > configure network ipv6 manual 2001:0DB8:BA98::3210 64 management1
      Setting IPv6 network configuration.
      Network settings changed.
    • DHCPv6 (supported on the default management interface only):

      configure network ipv6 dhcp

Step 5

For IPv6, enable or disable ICMPv6 Echo Replies and Destination Unreachable messages. These messages are enabled by default.

configure network ipv6 destination-unreachable {enable | disable}

configure network ipv6 echo-reply {enable | disable}

You might want to disable these packets to guard against potential denial of service attacks. Disabling Echo Reply packets means you cannot use IPv6 ping to the device management interfaces for testing purposes.


> configure network ipv6 destination-unreachable disable
> configure network ipv6 echo-reply disable

Step 6

Enable a DHCP server on the default management interface to provide IP addresses to connected hosts:

configure network ipv4 dhcp-server-enable start_ip_address end_ip_address


> configure network ipv4 dhcp-server-enable
DHCP Server Enabled


You can only configure a DHCP server when you set the management interface IP address manually. This command is not supported on the management center virtual. To display the status of the DHCP server, enter show network-dhcp-server:

> show network-dhcp-server
DHCP Server Enabled

Step 7

Add a static route for the event-only interface if the management center is on a remote network; otherwise, all traffic will match the default route through the management interface.

configure network static-routes {ipv4 | ipv6}add management_interface destination_ip netmask_or_prefix gateway_ip

For the default route, do not use this command; you can only change the default route gateway IP address when you use the configure network ipv4 or ipv6 commands (see Step 4).


> configure network static-routes ipv4 add management1
Configuration updated successfully

> configure network static-routes ipv6 add management1 2001:0DB8:AA89::5110 64 2001:0DB8:BA98::3211
Configuration updated successfully


To display static routes, enter show network-static-routes (the default route is not shown):

> show network-static-routes
---------------[ IPv4 Static Routes ]---------------
Interface                 : management1
Destination               :
Gateway                   :
Netmask                   :

Step 8

Set the hostname:

configure network hostname name


> configure network hostname

Syslog messages do not reflect a new hostname until after a reboot.

Step 9

Set the search domains:

configure network dns searchdomains domain_list


> configure network dns searchdomains,

Set the search domain(s) for the device, separated by commas. These domains are added to hostnames when you do not specify a fully-qualified domain name in a command, for example, ping system . The domains are used only on the management interface, or for commands that go through the management interface.

Step 10

Set up to 3 DNS servers, separated by commas:

configure network dns servers dns_ip_list


> configure network dns servers,,

Step 11

Set the remote management port for communication with the management center:

configure network management-interface tcpport number


> configure network management-interface tcpport 8555

The management center and managed devices communicate using a two-way, TLS-1.3-encrypted communication channel, which by default is on port 8305.


Cisco strongly recommends that you keep the default settings for the remote management port, but if the management port conflicts with other communications on your network, you can choose a different port. If you change the management port, you must change it for all devices in your deployment that need to communicate with each other.

Step 12

(Threat Defense only) Set the management or eventing interface MTU. The MTU is 1500 bytes by default.

configure network mtu [bytes] [interface_id]

  • bytes —Sets the MTU in bytes. For the management interface, the value can be between 64 and 1500 if you enable IPv4, and 1280 to 1500 if you enable IPv6. For the eventing interface, the value can be between 64 and 9000 if you enable IPv4, and 1280 to 9000 if you enable IPv6. If you enable both IPv4 and IPv6, then the minimum is 1280. If you do not enter the bytes , you are prompted for a value.

  • interface_id —Specifies the interface ID on which to set the MTU. Use the show network command to see available interface IDs, for example management0, management1, br1, and eth0, depending on the platform. If you do not specify an interface, then the management interface is used.


> configure network mtu 8192 management1
MTU set successfully to 1500 from 8192 for management1
Refreshing Network Config...
NetworkSettings::refreshNetworkConfig MTU value at start 8192

Interface management1 speed is set to '10000baseT/Full'
NetworkSettings::refreshNetworkConfig MTU value at end 8192

Step 13

Configure an HTTP proxy. The device is configured to directly-connect to the internet on ports TCP/443 (HTTPS) and TCP/80 (HTTP). You can use a proxy server, to which you can authenticate via HTTP Digest. After issuing the command, you are prompted for the HTTP proxy address and port, whether proxy authentication is required, and if it is required, the proxy username, proxy password, and confirmation of the proxy password.

For proxy password on threat defense, you can use A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 characters only.

configure network http-proxy


> configure network http-proxy
Manual proxy configuration
Enter HTTP Proxy address:
Enter HTTP Proxy Port: 80
Use Proxy Authentication? (y/n) [n]: Y
Enter Proxy Username: proxyuser
Enter Proxy Password: proxypassword
Confirm Proxy Password: proxypassword

Step 14

If you change the device management IP address, then see the following tasks for management center connectivity depending on how you identified the management center during initial device setup using the configure manager add command:

  • IP addressNo action. If you identified the management center using a reachable IP address, then the management connection will be reestablished automatically after several minutes. We recommend that you also change the device IP address shown in management center to keep the information in sync; see Update the Hostname or IP Address in the Management Center. This action can help the connection reestablish faster. Note: If you specified an unreachable management center IP address, then you must manually reestablish the connection using Update the Hostname or IP Address in the Management Center.

  • NAT ID onlyManually reestablish the connection. If you identified the management center using only the NAT ID, then the connection cannot be automatically reestablished. In this case, change the device management IP address in management center according to Update the Hostname or IP Address in the Management Center.