Overview: content Keyword Fast Pattern Matcher


These options are not supported when configuring the protected_content keyword.

The fast pattern matcher quickly determines which rules to evaluate before passing a packet to the rules engine. This initial determination improves performance by significantly reducing the number of rules used in packet evaluation.

By default, the fast pattern matcher searches packets for the longest content specified in a rule; this is to eliminate as much as possible needless evaluation of a rule. Consider the following example rule fragment:

alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg:"Exploit"; content:"GET";
http_method; nocase; content:"/exploit.cgi"; http_uri;

Almost all HTTP client requests contain the content GET, but few will contain the content /exploit.cgi. Using GET as the fast pattern content would cause the rules engine to evaluate this rule in most cases and would rarely result in a match. However, most client GET requests would not be evaluated using /exploit.cgi, thus increasing performance.

The rules engine evaluates the packet against the rule only when the fast pattern matcher detects the specified content. For example, if one content keyword in a rule specifies the content short, another specifies longer, and a third specifies longest, the fast pattern matcher will use the content longest and the rule will be evaluated only if the rules engine finds longest in the payload.