pcre Modifier Options

You can use modifying options after you specify regular expression syntax in the pcre keyword’s value. These modifiers perform Perl, PCRE, and Snort-specific processing functions. Modifiers always appear at the end of the PCRE value, and appear in the following format:


where ismxAEGRBUPHMC can include any of the modifying options that appear in the following tables.


Optionally, you can surround the regular expression and any modifying options with quotes, for example, “/pcre/ismxAEGRBUIPHDMCKSY”. The option of using quotes accommodates experienced users accustomed to previous versions when quotes were required instead of optional. The intrusion rules editor does not display quotation marks when you display a rule after saving it.

The following table describes options you can use to perform Perl processing functions.

Perl-Related Post Regular Expression Options




Makes the regular expression case-insensitive.


The dot character (.) describes all characters except the newline or \n character. You can use "s" as an option to override this and have the dot character match all characters, including the newline character.


By default, a string is treated as a single line of characters, and ^ and $ match the beginning and ending of a specific string. When you use "m" as an option, ^ and $ match content immediately before or after any newline character in the buffer, as well as at the beginning or end of the buffer.


Ignores white space data characters that may appear within the pattern, except when escaped (preceded by a backslash) or included inside a character class.

The following table describes the PCRE modifiers you can use after the regular expression.

PCRE-Related Post Regular Expression Options




The pattern must match at the beginning of the string (same as using ^ in a regular expression).


Sets $ to match only at the end of the subject string. (Without E, $ also matches immediately before the final character if it is a newline, but not before any other newline characters).


By default, * + and ? are “greedy,” which means that if two or more matches are found, they will choose the longest match. Use the G character to change this so that these characters always choose the first match unless followed by a question mark character (?). For example, *? +? and ?? would be greedy in a construct using the G modifier, and any incidences of *, +, or ? without the additional question mark will not be greedy.

The following table describes the Snort-specific modifiers that you can use after the regular expression.


Snort-Specific Post Regular Expression Modifiers




Searches for matching content relative to the end of the last match found by the rules engine.


Searches for the content within data before it is decoded by a preprocessor (this option is similar to using the Raw Data argument with the content or protected_content keyword).


Searches for the content within the URI of a normalized HTTP request message decoded by the HTTP Inspect preprocessor. Note that you cannot use this option in combination with the content or protected_content keyword HTTP URI option to search the same content.

Note that a pipelined HTTP request packet contains multiple URIs. A PCRE expression that includes the U option causes the rules engine to search for a content match only in the first URI in a pipelined HTTP request packet. To search all URIs in the packet, use the content or protected_content keyword with HTTP URI selected, either with or without an accompanying PCRE expression that uses the U option.


Searches for the content within the URI of a raw HTTP request message decoded by the HTTP Inspect preprocessor. Note that you cannot use this option in combination with the content or protected_content keyword HTTP Raw URI option to search the same content


Searches for the content within the body of a normalized HTTP request message decoded by the HTTP Inspect preprocessor.


Searches for the content within the header, excluding cookies, of an HTTP request or response message decoded by the HTTP Inspect preprocessor. Note that you cannot use this option in combination with the content or protected_content keyword HTTP Header option to search the same content.


Searches for the content within the header, excluding cookies, of a raw HTTP request or response message decoded by the HTTP Inspect preprocessor. Note that you cannot use this option in combination with the content or protected_content keyword HTTP Raw Header option to search the same content.


Searches for the content within the method field of a normalized HTTP request message decoded by the HTTP Inspect preprocessor; the method field identifies the action such as GET, PUT, CONNECT, and so on to take on the resource identified in the URI.


When the HTTP Inspect preprocessor Inspect HTTP Cookies option is enabled, searches for the normalized content within any cookie in an HTTP request header, and also within any set-cookie in an HTTP response header when the preprocessor Inspect HTTP Responses option is enabled. When Inspect HTTP Cookies is not enabled, searches the entire header, including the cookie or set-cookie data.

Note the following:

  • Cookies included in the message body are treated as body content.

  • You cannot use this option in combination with the content or protected_content keyword HTTP Cookie option to search the same content.

  • The Cookie: and Set-Cookie: header names, leading spaces on the header line, and the CRLF that terminates the header line are inspected as part of the header and not as part of the cookie.


When the HTTP Inspect preprocessor Inspect HTTP Cookies option is enabled, searches for the raw content within any cookie in an HTTP request header, and also within any set-cookie in an HTTP response header when the preprocessor Inspect HTTP Responses option is enabled. When Inspect HTTP Cookies is not enabled, searches the entire header, including the cookie or set-cookie data.

Note the following:

  • Cookies included in the message body are treated as body content.

  • You cannot use this option in combination with the content or protected_content keyword HTTP Raw Cookie option to search the same content.

  • The Cookie: and Set-Cookie: header names, leading spaces on the header line, and the CRLF that terminates the header line are inspected as part of the header and not as part of the cookie.


Searches the 3-digit status code in an HTTP response.


Searches the textual description that accompanies the status code in an HTTP response.


Do not use the U option in combination with the R option. This could cause performance problems. Also, do not use the U option in combination with any other HTTP content option (I, P, H, D, M, C, K, S, or Y).