flowbits Keyword Example: A Configuration Resulting in False Positive Events

Including different state names that are set in different rules in a group can prevent false positive events that might otherwise occur when content in a subsequent packet matches a rule whose state is no longer valid. The following example illustrates how you can get false positives when you do not include multiple state names in a group.

Consider the case where the following three rule fragments trigger in the order shown during a single session:

(msg:"JPEG transfer"; content:"image/";pcre:"/^Content-?Type\x3a(\s*|\s*\r?\n\s+)image\x2fp?jpe?g/smi";
?flowbits:set,http.jpeg; flowbits:noalert;)

The following diagram illustrates the effect of the flowbits keyword in the preceding rule fragment:

Diagram illustrating the set operator setting the http.jpeg state, and the noalert operator preventing an alert from being generated.

The content and pcre keywords in the first rule fragment match a JPEG file download, flowbits:set,http.jpeg sets the http.jpeg flowbits state, and flowbits:noalert stops the rule from generating events. No event is generated because the rule’s purpose is to detect the file download and set the flowbits state so one or more companion rules can test for the state name in combination with malicious content and generate events when malicious content is detected.

The next rule fragment detects a GIF file download subsequent to the JPEG file download above:

(msg:"GIF transfer"; content:"image/"; pcre:"/^Content-?Type\x3a(\s*|\s*\r?\n\s+)image\x2fgif/smi";
?flowbits:set,http.jpg,image_downloads; flowbits:noalert;)

The following diagram illustrates the effect of the flowbits keyword in the preceding rule fragment:

Diagram illustrating the set operator setting the http.jpg state in the image_downloads group, and the noalert operator preventing an alert from being generated.

The content and pcre keywords in the second rule match the GIF file download, flowbits:set,http.jpg sets the http.jpg flowbit state, and flowbits:noalert stops the rule from generating an event. Note that the http.jpeg state set by the first rule fragment is still set even though it is no longer needed; this is because the JPEG download must have ended if a subsequent GIF download has been detected.

The third rule fragment is a companion to the first rule fragment:

(msg:"JPEG exploit";?flowbits:isset,http.jpeg;content:"|FF|"; 

The following diagram illustrates the effect of the flowbits keyword in the preceding rule fragment:

Diagram illustrating the isset operator evaluating for the http.jpeg state, and generating a false positive event.

In the third rule fragment, flowbits:isset,http.jpeg determines that the now-irrelevant http.jpeg state is set, and content and pcre match content that would be malicious in a JPEG file but not in a GIF file. The third rule fragment results in a false positive event for a nonexistent exploit in a JPEG file.