content and protected_content Search Location Arguments



This option is only supported when configuring the content keyword.

Specifies the maximum content search depth, in bytes, from the beginning of the offset value, or if no offset is configured, from the beginning of the packet payload.

For example, in a rule with a content value of cgi-bin/phf, and offset value of 3, and a depth value of 22, the rule starts searching for a match to the cgi-bin/phf string at byte 3, and stops after processing 22 bytes (byte 25) in packets that meet the parameters specified by the rule header.

You must specify a value that is greater than or equal to the length of the specified content, up to a maximum of 65535 bytes. You cannot specify a value of 0.

The default depth is to search to the end of the packet.


Instructs the rules engine to identify subsequent content matches that occur a specified number of bytes after the previous successful content match.

Because the distance counter starts at byte 0, specify one less than the number of bytes you want to move forward from the last successful content match. For example, if you specify 4, the search begins at the fifth byte.

You can specify a value of -65535 to 65535 bytes. If you specify a negative Distance value, the byte you start searching on may fall outside the beginning of a packet. Any calculations will take into account the bytes outside the packet, even though the search actually starts on the first byte in the packet. For example, if the current location in the packet is the fifth byte, and the next content rule option specifies a Distance value of -10 and a Within value of 20, the search starts at the beginning of the payload and the Within option is adjusted to 15.

The default distance is 0, meaning the current location in the packet subsequent to the last content match.



This option is only supported when configuring the protected_content keyword.

The Length protected_content keyword option indicates the length, in bytes, of the unlashed search string.

For example, if you used the content Sample1 to generate a secure hash, use 7 for the Length value. You must enter a value in this field.


Specifies in bytes where in the packet payload to start searching for content relative to the beginning of the packet payload. You can specify a value of 65535 to 65535 bytes.

Because the offset counter starts at byte 0, specify one less than the number of bytes you want to move forward from the beginning of the packet payload. For example, if you specify 7, the search begins at the eighth byte.

The default offset is 0, meaning the beginning of the packet.



This option is only supported when configuring the content keyword.

The Within option indicates that, to trigger the rule, the next content match must occur within the specified number of bytes after the end of the last successful content match. For example, if you specify a Within value of 8, the next content match must occur within the next eight bytes of the packet payload or it does not meet the criteria that triggers the rule.

You can specify a value that is greater than or equal to the length of the specified content, up to a maximum of 65535 bytes.

The default for Within is to search to the end of the packet.