The urilen Keyword

You can use the urilen keyword in conjunction with the HTTP Inspect preprocessor to inspect HTTP traffic for URIs of a specific length, less than a maximum length, greater than a minimum length, or within a specified range.

After the HTTP Inspect preprocessor normalizes and inspects the packet, the rules engine evaluates the packet against the rule and determines whether the URI matches the length condition specified by the urilen keyword. You can use this keyword to detect exploits that attempt to take advantage of URI length vulnerabilities, for example, by creating a buffer overflow that allows the attacker to cause a DoS condition or execute code on the host with system-level privileges.

Note the following when using the urilen keyword in a rule:

  • In practice, you always use the urilen keyword in combination with the flow:established keyword and one or more other keywords.

  • The rule protocol is always TCP.

  • Target ports are always HTTP ports.

You specify the URI length using a decimal number of bytes, less than (<) and greater than (>).

For example:

  • specify 5 to detect a URI 5 bytes long.

  • specify < 5 (separated by one space character) to detect a URI less than 5 bytes long.

  • specify > 5 (separated by one space character) to detect a URI greater than 5 bytes long.

  • specify 3 <> 5 (with one space character before and after <>) to detect a URI between 3 and 5 bytes long inclusive.

For example, there is a known vulnerability in Novell’s server monitoring and diagnostics utility iMonitor version 2.4, which comes with eDirectory version 8.8. A packet containing an excessively long URI creates a buffer overflow, allowing an attacker to exploit the condition with a specially crafted packet that could execute on the host with system-level privileges or could cause a DoS condition. The following rule uses the urilen keyword to detect attempts to exploit this vulnerability:

(msg:"EXPLOIT eDirectory 8.8 Long URI iMonitor buffer
overflow attempt"; flow:to_server,established;
urilen:> 8192; uricontent:"/nds/"; nocase;
classtype:attempted-admin; sid:x; rev:1;)

The above rule generates an event against TCP traffic traveling from any IP address defined in the $EXTERNAL_NET variable, from any port, to any IP address defined in the $HOME_NET variable using the ports defined in the $HTTP_PORTS variable. In addition, packets are evaluated against the rule only on established TCP connections to servers. The rule uses the urilen keyword to detect any URI over 8192 bytes in length. Finally, the rule searches the URI for the specific case-insensitive content /nds/.