ASA Support Specifics

CDO can manage all platforms running ASA 8.4 and later, including ASAv instances, except for the ASA Services Module (ASASM), which is not supported by CDO.

CDO can onboard an ASA running ASA 8.3 but cannot deploy changes to it or manage it in any other way. Support is "read-only."

There may be a CDO feature that does not support all versions of ASA. In those cases, the CDO documentation will list any version exceptions with the prerequisites for that feature.

CDO does not manage the ASA FirePOWER module, which runs a different operating system from ASA. You must manage an ASA FirePOWER module separately with Firepower Management Center or ASDM.


EOL code and hardware may continue work with CDO, but we cannot assure all functionality of CDO with respect to EOL code and hardware, as it is not part of our testing. CDO makes no guarantees nor assurances of correct operation with EOL software and hardware. An example of this would be the EOL ASA versions 8.x, 9.1, and 9.2 do not support TLS 1.2 on the management plane and would be considered an insecure way to manage ASA software.

Please defer to the version download page for Cisco "suggested release" or "gold star" versions.

For a full discussion of ASA, ASDM, and hardware compatiblity, see the Cisco Secure Firewall ASA Compatibility guide.