CA Certificate and Private Key Import

You can configure an internal CA object by importing an X.509 v3 CA certificate and private key. You can upload files encoded in one of the following supported formats:

  • Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)

  • Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM)

If the private key file is password-protected, you can supply the decryption password. If the certificate and key are encoded in the PEM format, you can also copy and paste the information.

You can upload only files that contain proper certificate or key information, and that are paired with each other. The system validates the pair before saving the object.


If you configure a rule with the Decrypt - Resign action, the rule matches traffic based on the referenced internal CA certificate’s encryption algorithm type, in addition to any configured rule conditions. You must upload an elliptic curve-based CA certificate to decrypt outgoing traffic encrypted with an elliptic curve-based algorithm, for example.