Edit an Active Directory Group for User Management

Before you begin

Note that editing an AD Group's user management in CDO only allows you to modify how CDO limits the AD group. You cannot edit the AD group itself in CDO. You must use AD to edit the list of users within an AD group.


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

From the admin drop-down in the upper right, click Settings.

Step 3

Click the User Management tab.

Step 4

Select the Active Directory Groups tab at the top of the table.

Step 5

Identify the AD Group you want to edit and select the Edit icon.

Step 6

Modify the following values:

  • Group Name - Enter a unique name. CDO does not support special characters for this field.

  • Group Identifier - Manually enter the Group Identifier from your AD. The value of the group identifier should be the same as the group identifier in the custom claim definition. It could be any value that corresponds to the unique identity of the group, for example, my-favourite-group, 12345 and so forth.

  • AD Issuer - Manually enter the AD Issuer value from your AD.

  • Role - This determines the role for all the users included in this AD group. See User Roles for more information.

  • Notes - add any notes that are applicable to this AD group.